Civil litigation attorneys

Civil litigation encompasses a broad expanse of legal disputes that involve a party seeking some form of compensation for injuries or damages they have sustained as a result of another party's actions. Civil litigation is a multi-faceted area of the law that requires the expertise of an attorney to determine whether you have a legitimate claim as a plaintiff or a strong rebuttal as a defendant. Attorneys at Miami Lawyers Near Me can assist you in evaluating your civil case and guide you through the best approach for resolving your legal matters.

Civil litigation

Preparing to handle any civil case


If you have been injured or have suffered damages as the result of another person or entity's misconduct, it is imperative to meet with an attorney to assess whether your claim merits legal action. Likewise, if you have been accused of causing injuries or damages, consulting with an attorney lets you know what options are available to you as a defendant.


When working with a quality attorney, you're also working with their retinue of specialists that play different roles in preparing your case. Along with your attorney, investigators, researchers, expert witnesses and others find out as much as they can about the case in order to establish a strong claim to be presented in court.


In pre-trial negotiations or in the courtroom, you'll need an attorney with experience in civil litigation to handle your case in the best way possible. Having a qualified attorney representing you and your interests greatly enhances your chances for a favorable outcome whether you are a plaintiff or defendant.

As previously mentioned, civil litigation covers a wide scope of legal issues where individuals or entities have sustained some kind of injury or damage and seek compensation. Some of the more common disputes that fall under civil litigation include personal injury cases, medical malpractice cases, property disputes, labor disputes, or educational law disputes among others. Civil law covers many areas, but it should be noted that it does not involve criminal acts nor criminal accusations. These are handled under criminal law though there may be some overlap (e.g. personal injury).
Another aspect of civil law worth mentioning is that of the compensation sought by plaintiffs. Although a large portion of civil case settlements do come in the form of financial compensation, there are some that require certain remedial steps or actions to be taken instead. Ultimately, the goal of civil litigation is to provide a fair resolution to legal disputes.

Civil litigation


Most frequent questions and answers
After consulting with an attorney and determining that their claim indeed merits legal action, a plaintiff may file what is known as a “complaint” with the court. A complaint essentially describes how the injuries or damages sustained were a direct result of the defendant’s misconduct. It also includes a request that the court order relief in the form of compensation or an injunction. A copy of this complaint is also served to the defendant who then files an answer or counter-claim.
Statute of limitations is a legally prescribed time frame that sets a limit on how long an individual or entity has to initiate legal proceedings. For the most part a statute of limitations begins on the date the incident occurred. However, there is no single statute of limitations that applies to all civil cases as they can vary widely. Failing to take legal action within the time frame given by a statute can result in the forfeiture of your legal right to seek compensation.
Because of the time and costs associated with litigation, a vast majority of civil cases are indeed settled out of court. Settlement can happen during negotiations before the trial, during the trial, and even after the verdict. Depending on different factors, it may be to your benefit to avoid going to trial altogether. An experienced attorney will be able to guide you through the process and determine whether or not you should proceed to litigation. They will also be able to assess whether a settlement offer is fair and help you explore other alternatives to resolve your case.
In any situation where injuries or damages are involved, it is advisable to reach out to a qualified attorney as soon as possible. Because civil cases can sometimes require extensive investigation and preparation, your attorney needs to have an ample amount of time to ensure that they have all the details of the case. The sooner you consult with an attorney, the sooner they can start working on preparing your case to secure a favorable outcome.